Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Rosh Hashanah

We have had a busy couple weeks with Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and other daily life tasks. But I wanted to take a quick minute to post a couple pictures of the holidays. Here are two pictures, one of Reilly helping Mike make potato latkes and another one of Reilly and Brooke dressed in their cute pink dresses!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sleepy Reilly

There are only two times I can ever remember Reilly falling asleep while we read books. The first time was about 6 months ago when she was laying down for a late nap. The second time was Friday night. We had a great family night. Lauren, Zoe, Ben and Trudy all came over for Rosh Hashana and the kids played hard. She skipped her bath and had just eaten chocolate so she was messy, but tired. I felt her latch onto my arm and squeeze - as she does when she is super tired - just as I was reading the third and final book. As I closed the book I realized she was sound asleep - and still wrapped around my arm.

I have to admit I didn't hate it ;-). I sat and cherished that special moment and thought about how I will long for these days when she is a teenager and wants nothing to do with me. Mike snapped a picture of us.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Brooke's Growing

I've taken a lot of video of Brooke over the last couple of weeks because it seems like every day she is doing something new. She now waves bye-bye, blows kisses, throws balls, says Uh-oh, mama, dada, and baba. She is also laughing more and more each day and LOVES playing with Reilly. So this video gives a nice little sample of all these things!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Toilet Paper

This picture speaks for itself really. What is more fun than playing with toilet paper??

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Brooke and Layla

The two "Littles" as Jaime and I call them - are starting to learn they are best friends ;-) The other day, we watched them interact and play with each other on this rocker!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Mommy's Helper

Reilly is at such a fun age right now. She loves doing adult things and helping whenever she can. Usually it is with sweeping or helping with dinner. The other day I pulled out the vacuum (a rare occasion in our house - haha), and Reilly asked if she could help. When I said yes, she ran to get her vacuum and started doing what I was doing. It was adorable! I'm so glad Mike grabbed the camera!

11 Months Old

Brooke is in her last month of being a baby - she has hit 11 months. And wow - we have been busy. I have several blog posts to get up (hopefully tonight or tomorrow).

At 11 months, Brooke has 8 teeth (at least that we can see) - she appears to be teething, so we'll see if another comes through soon. She has started saying her first words. She says Mama. This started one day when she wasn't feeling good. I swore she was saying mama, but we weren't sure. A couple days later we realized she was saying it! She also says baba (bottle) and ba (ball)...and we think dada.

She is crawling and cruising - and we are excited to see when the walking will start. She adores Reilly and shines whenever she walks in the room. At school, we are told that she gets sad when somebody asks where Reilly is. She has a lot of personality and laughs ALL THE TIME.

Here is a picture from today!